Monday 24 September 2012

Day three (Sunday) : daily summary

Author : Rob Hooper, Ongerup

Barley and wheat color is very important to customers as it is preferred that the end product is as white or as lighter in color as possible by the consumers. Feed barley being lighter in color is preferred surprisingly as the end products from the feed mill are perceived as more desire able for their customers.

Flour is mainly distributed in 50kg bags by distribution agents to small local bakeries. There no larger centralized bakeries as we have. Tenders are used for purchasing as the Oman Mill is 51% Government owned. timely shipping from time of order an advantage to customers in reliable.

A new strategic grain reserve facility is being built in next two years close to border of Dubai. New flour mill will be built when strategic reserve facility is In place. There was surprisingly modern management and facilities all up to very high standards and quality is important.

Visit to the mosque was very interesting, being the second largest mosque in the GCC gulf region.amazing design and mix of traditional style in a very modern new city. Superb craftsmanship in a new six year old building. Worlds best materials, wood marble etc. helped bring home he religious significance with how much this mosque must be worth to build as even donations of the labour and materials in such great quantities have to come from somewhere.


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